Isaiah 29-33

I wish I could think of something different to say here…. It’s more of the same. But I OVERCAME and made some more great jokes. I’m loving this show, it’s fun again thanks to my Patrons! What? How do you become one of those amazing, show-enabling, inspirational people? By jumping onto of course!

Isaiah 16-22

Well this week we have some more prophesying and guess what guys, it’s not exactly favorable. That’s right! Bad things are going to happen to all the heathens of Egypt, Moab, and some other places you’ve never heard of! So cancel that vacation! That’s all that happens in this reading really but it’s still HILARIOUS because I’m like super good at comedy. Alright it’s pretty funny because I’m like kind of okay at jokes. Alright you got me, it’s tolerable and none of the other stuff is true. Alright you got me again. It sucks.

Isaiah 4-9

More boring old Isaiah. One semi-notable thing though is that we hear a little prophecy about Immanuel, who people believe is Jesus. He will be born of god essentially, and all the good things will happen to the Jews. Doesn’t really seem like Jesus fits that description though, does it? Also, as Bart Ehrman and others have pointed out, if Jesus really did meet the criteria laid down in the Old Testament, why don’t Jews recognize him as the prophet?

One man, one year, one book so ridiculous you'll have to hear to believe.