New book! Daniel is starting off at least interestingly. We’ve got some amazing miracles and fortune telling in this one. Don’t miss it!
Also, if you happen to be in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, check out Minnesota Skeptics! Find them on Facebook or on Say hi to Travis for me if you do!
WE’RE ENDING EZEKIEL!!!!! I mean I’m sure it won’t really mean a huge bump in quality, but we can always hope… I think this episode was pretty solid actually. You guys know me by now. I’m incredibly honest. This was like a 7.5/10. Certified Fresh.
Well we’ve got more measurements… But fortunately I’ve got your back! I came up with some interesting stuff to talk about and we made it safely to the other side of this canyon of crap.
Alright, this episode was kick ass! Thanks to my Patrons, and thanks for sticking with me through that crap episode last week. This one ruled! I hope you enjoy it!
Another bible episode, why not! I introduce a new and well thought out character in this episode. Not sure why but it just happened. So that was fun. Other than that, same drivel, different day.