All posts by admin

Jonah 1-Micah 3

Guys it’s not a whale, it’s a great fish. THERE’S A DIFFERENCE. I’m really not sure what difference that makes… But join me for another not worth reading selection of the bible, where we get an absurd story about a super lazy dude who doesn’t want to run errands for god!

Amos 5-Obadiah 1

Look I’m not going to lie, this reading sucked. Almost nothing interesting happened and there wasn’t even a Harley intro… But I did my best! We must toil on in this drudgery!

Hosea 10-Joel 2

Well what can I say, more minor prophets. We’d be better off with MINER prophets, AM I RIGHT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH.

No but really it’s the minor prophets. Nothing happens.

Hosea 1-9

New book! Oh my god I’m so excited! Don’t get too excited though, it actually sucks. Who could have guessed! We have 12 minor prophets until the new testament. We’re already almost done with one! Excitement.

Daniel 10-12

13 episodes until the next episode! We’re finishing Daniel today. YAY!! This book wasn’t bad really. But not bad compared to like REALLY bad books. So compared to anything good it was awful.

Daniel 6-9

Heh heh, 6-9…. Anyway, some interesting prophecies told through meaningless animal interactions and anatomy. Kind of a bizarre method of prophecy if you ask me. Also, married dude.

Daniel 3-5

We continue with the book of Daniel. Pretty interesting. A little repetitive, but at least there’s a story now. Thanks for listening and patronizing the show at !