We’re finishing 2 Corinthians!! Wooohoooo! Surely we’re all done with Psaul then. There’s no way the dude had time to write EVEN MORE letters to unwilling receivers. Not possible. He’s all lettered out by now most likely. I’m guessing he lived out the rest of his days with a killer hand cramp which he eventually died of.
Just when you think Psaul can’t get anyer morer bonringer, he goes and does just that. I expect the next book to be him balancing his checkbook; listing off where he spent a few dollars here and there. Surely this letter never should have been read by anyone not named Corinth. But I thought of something insightful I think and said it at some point during this episode, SO YOU’LL HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE WHOLE THING TO FIND IT AHAHAHAHAHAH
I’m getting really tired of Paul and all his shit. Fortunately we’re finishing 1 Corinthians so we’re definitely done with Paul!!! Woooooo! Alright let’s see what’s next… something called 2 Corinth…… Oh god.
We’re back with some more Psaulsplaining! He keeps on telling us more and more about life and the secrets of a god he met for 5 seconds in an alleged visitation. Well, that surely warrants his dispensing of knowledge like why women should be covered when they pray! It’s because they are of man of course!
Wow seriously who died and made Psaul king of the world? This week we learn that he never got laid in high school and is now taking it out on the rest of us. But we really should take his word for it, because he’s pretty sure he’s like totally holy and stuff.
It seems there’s no respite from Psaul. We’re stuck with him forever. He’s completely hijacked this religion and this book and it appears as though no one can stop him. He’s writing some more boring letters to people who will probably toss them out along with the supermarket coupons no one uses anymore that still stuff up every mailbox for no reason.
Back for more of Psaul’s rules. He basically gets to tell us what to do since that once time he saw something shiny and decided it was Jesus. Somehow that gave him the authorization to the ultimate boss of everything we do in our lives. Psaul really did essentially invent Christianity!
We get more rules from Psaul for his totally epic RPG! He has a hilarious habit of asking himself questions that totally undermine what he’s saying. Like, is my podcast really boring? OF COURSE NOT NOTHING TO SEE HERE WHY DID YOU ASK THAT.
Starting a new book! Warning though, this book doesn’t actually contain any Romans or like badass Roman battles or something. It’s just a really boring letter or “EPISTLE” for the super fancy among you. Paul is a huge blowhard who pretty much single handedly inflicted this Christianity crap on us. Punch him in the nuts next time you see him.
After the best intro ever, we’re finally putting an end to all these Acts. The 28th axe will be the final axe to grind as far as I’m concerned. Will something significant happen to Paul? Will it be a cliffhanger ending or more like guy named cliff buying clothes hangers type ending? You decide.