This book is so boring it’s not worth even summarizing. Please accept this summary of an old Matlock episode instead:
“Matlock travels to New York City to help Alex Winthrop represent a British Ambassador accused of murdering his lover’s husband. The ambassador could invoke diplomatic immunity, but would lose his diplomatic career. The trail leads to a mysterious pharmaceutical company, and a murky conspiracy.”
Harley’s back with a kick ass intro! And today we learn that we’re 36 episodes away from the New Testament. That’s a crapload of episodes!! Also I made some weird song observations and connections because there wasn’t anything in the reading to talk about at all.
I’m not sure how much longer I can type the same exact description for every episode… Well, I guess I am sure. It will be about as long as the episodes are exactly the same because this book sucks. I really can’t wait to get to all the Jesus stuff.
Is there anything I can really say at this point? Is there a single word I can type on here that I haven’t typed a million times? More boring prophecy. More “Hey, god told me a bunch of stuff, let me rattle it off to you.”
Praise the lord for THE WORD. I have some computer problems but they all melt away when I read THE WORD. Like that ray of sunlight that trickles through your morning window, so is THE WORD of our Lord. Praise him.
Death threat 1: scary. Death threat 9,875: not as scary. God continues to promise death over and over and eventually it loses its luster. Just kill us already, ok?
Jeremiah was a bullfrog, and a minor prophet. I’ve got bad news and bad news: we’re starting a new book, and this book is just as shitty as all the other ones. Good thing I’m here to get you through it!
This episode asks an important question: Was Moses totally jacked? I mean, he was definitely ripped, but was he torn? I know his bi’s and tri’s were totally buff, but were they glorious? That’s really the question. I won’t say definitely no, but I’m not sure I’d say yes exactly. Hard to say. Tough questions.
Well I got good news and bad news. Bad news is we’re still in Isaiah. Good news is, I’m here to help you through the pain! More nothing happens, and then there’s some nothing and then some more nothing. But other than that, tons of stuff!